I stepped off the plane, not knowing exactly what to expect as waves of anxiety radiated off of me, and headed to pick up my luggage. The weather was gloomy with a slight chill in the air, exactly what I was told to expect on an average fall day in Copenhagen. After what seemed like an eternity of standing in lines with thoughts swirling through my mind and squeezing my way past crowds of tall strangers, I made my way towards the hotel that DIS informed us to go to in order to get all of the orientation information and items I would need while abroad. Along the way, I met up with my friend and future home-stay roommate, Amelia, and made my way to meet our host family.
My wonderful host family consists of 5 members: Gry, Rasmus, Selma, Malthe, and Astrid. They live in a quaint neighborhood only a few kilometers outside of the center of Copenhagen, a perfect in-between where I am able to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, but still only a 30 minute commute into DIS by city bus. The first night with them felt so unreal. I was still tired and jet-lagged from the plane ride over, and I was so nervous about how to act around them. After a tour of the house, a lesson on how to throw things away in Denmark, a sit-down dinner consisting of their version of a Tex-Mex salad, and a few games of Dixit, I was already starting to feel at ease. After unpacking my things in the spacious, modern room, I went down to bed that first night and slept like a rock.
The next day started with a family breakfast consisting of rye bread with chocolate, orange juice, and yogurt. That morning I was already feeling much better. Not only had I had time to sleep soundly, but I also had a bit of time to ease my mind. Later that day, Selma and Malthe took Amelia and I on a tour of the city center of Copenhagen.
My first impression? Breathtaking.
Copenhagen seemed to be the most beautiful city I had ever been to. The colorful and brick lined buildings stood side by side on cobblestone streets as people from all different walks of life hustled about on foot and of course by bike. Not only did each building have character, but each had a long history as well. On the tour, and throughout the next few days, we saw the Round Tower, the oldest functioning observatory in Europe....

Nyhavn, the 17th century water canal built by King Christian V....

and even the King's garden, where we sat and enjoyed various types of Danish sausages, trying desperately not to lose our pickles.

Throughout the rest of the first week here, I began to become acquainted with my surroundings and didn't feel as hopelessly lost as I did on the first days. I enjoyed the welcoming ceremony, an introduction to my core course (Polar Biology) and housing , a tour of the DIS facilities, and some exploring with friends.
Yesterday was my first day of classes, and I already know that it's going to be an amazing semester. This semester, I am taking classes on waste management systems in Europe, activism: engagement and resistance, Hans Christian Andersen and the Danish Golden Age, polar biology, and Danish language and culture. Even from the first day, I can tell that the professors are passionate and the materials in each of my courses sound engaging. I am most excited to experience all of the study tours around Denmark and Tromsø because they will give me hands on experiences that will connect what we are learning in the classroom to the real world.
It's hard to imagine now how different my life is today from just one short week ago. One week ago, I was terrified of change, sitting in my room, anxious of what was to come and unsure of whether or not I could really do this. Anxiety, fear, and stress slithered through my veins. I had no idea what to expect, how to get around, or who I would be surrounded by. Here I sit on the 2nd floor lounge of Vestergade 23 with my friends, my mind at ease as I look towards the coming semester. My professors are amazing, my host family is wonderful, and most importantly, my confidence has become stronger. It is empowering to know that even though stress and anxiety may feel like they control your life, once you push past those feelings, something truly beautiful and life changing can come out of it.
Hugs to you 💚
I am so happy and, as a father, relieved that everything is going fantastic. I am jealous of you and all that you are going to experience. Take in every moment!!!